Scholl Athlete's Foot Complete Pen & Spray Kit

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Why is Scholl Athlete's Foot Complete Kit special & different?

A unique 2-Step Solution: The Pen and the Shoe Spray together not only treat Athlete's foot, but help restore & protect skin to reduce the risk of infection reoccurring

Preparation and Usage

Instruction For Use
1. Treatment Pen: The precision applicator deliver just the right amount of cream to form a thin layer on the infected skin. Easy to apply, no need to touch and dries quickly. Specially formulated Olile-Active™ to create an environment on the skin that prevents fungus from multiplying or surviving.
2. Prevention Shoe Spray: Helps to prevent reinfection by cleansing shoes contaminated with the Athlete's Foot Fungus, a common cause of reoccurrence of Athlete's Foot infection.

Read the closest instruction leaflet carefully before use.